Eunice Kennedy Shriver Turns 85
A Brush With A Kennedy
My first brush with a Kennedy happened when I went to the big Washington DC ball and met the entire Shriver family including Eunice and her husband, Sgt. Shriver, Maria and her brothers, and Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger Shriver Kennedy. Finally, my third brush with a Kennedy occurred when I visited John-John's TriBeCa flat the day after he was killed. Obviously, I didn't meet him but nonetheless it was a brush with a Kennedy...once removed.
Given the size of the family I'll bet there are many people who have had a brush with a Kennedy Klan member. If you have one please submit it.
Ted Kennedy went to the museum that my father works at one time. I guess he dropped off Eunice first, or one of the other fossils. Anyway, he pulled up in front of the museum in the biggest Ford Expedition you've ever seen. He hits the pnuematic shocks to lower the vehicle low to the ground so he could get his fat ass out. Then he went inside and asked my father if there were any valet parkers around, apparently implying a request of my father to park his car. My father politely told him to find street parking and also directed him to a few commercial parking lots in the area. Ted was lucky.
Boy that Eunice is still a looker! What Arnie has to look forward to!
Kinda looks like the runaway bride lady's grandma or something.
A classmate of mine (in college, back in May, '90) secured an interview with RFK, Jr., at his tiny law office in White Plains, NY. I was the cameraman. The three of us--Tom, Philip (the soundman and also a classmate), and I--arrived in suits, sweating balls. Shortly after we set up, Bobby Jr. arrived, in tennis shorts and a muddy pick up. He looked so relaxed, I thought, looking at him through the camera as my face sweat fogged up the viewfinder.
Nice guy, actually.
Stephen A.
Ted Kennedy punched my dad in a bar in Kansas City.
I have met a bunch of the Kennedy clan through the years...
As a child, I attended the same Catholic Church as JFK in Cape Cod.
One time I was invited to a special screening of Terminator 2 and sat next to a guy that spent the whole movie bitchin' about some old bag behind him kicking his seat and talking through the entire movie...
Then I realized why he wore the hat he had on...
it was to hide his circumcision scar!
(comedy comin' atcha!)
I went on a trip to DC around 1971-2 with a fellow Roanoker (VA), to see Senator Scott sworn in. (I am personally a Democrat, proud of it.) We flew up with a bunch of Rep. campaigners, and while there had the opportunity to ride on the same elevator with Shirley Chisholm. We also entered a very large room where people were crowded in. I heard someone say that people were there getting their pictures taken with Ted Kennedy, in a smaller anteroom. I am not much more than 5' tall, but all of a sudden I spied a man crossing through the room. He was tall and larger-than-life, head and shoulders above most of the others. I've often told people he was like a Saint Bernard (in size) amongst a roomful of retrievers (or some other average-size dog). It was amazing to see him, even at a distance. I walked so much that day that my feet blistered badly, but at that time, we could still look into the chambers through the glass-paned doors (before they closed off public access, things were less strict back then). It was a trip I'll never forget.
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